Eco Projects
Eco teams are appointed per school to encourage whole school involvement: Each school has one or two teachers who form part of our Eco-Committee which meets every Friday morning to discuss the next week’s happenings. Each school has their own eco club (Eco Warriors) which consists of learners who meet on a more regular basis. Each Eco-Committee member is responsible to share and implement information / projects with the eco-club members of their school. Together information and projects are shared to the rest of the learners in our school and parents and community. Eco becomes the basis of our daily teaching and learning by constantly being aware of our four focus areas for the year, Biodiversity Networks, Production, Consumption and Waste, Marine & Coast and Community and Social Responsibility. All our Eco projects are based on these focus areas. Educational outings form part of Eco projects and are CAPS aligned. All grades will have one per term.